Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Be a Loser! Love Your Body!

The Biggest Loser Season 14 premiered this week and while I have never really watched this show before I am currently addicted to it, which means going back and watching old seasons. I know so many people watch it and wish it could be them! The contestants work with some of the best trainers and nutritionists out there to achieve their goals of shedding so much weight in so little time. There are no secret pills or crash diets, they work hard to burn calories and learn how to make healthy choices. The amount of weight they lose is amazing however not realistic for Joe Smoe sitting on the couching wishing that was him. These people spend HOURS and HOURS just working out when in reality the average person does not have the entire day to spend in a gym. So far I have only watched almost halfway through season 13 and the 2 newest episodes of season 14. I really like how in last season, each week is given an "excuse" for why people don't lose weight; I don't have a gym membership, I don't have time, etc. By creating challenges geared to those excuses the people at home can hopefully retain the fact that even though they can't afford to go to a gym they can still make things happen at home. This season they brought in 3 kids to try and make an impact on childhood obesity. I think this is great! In fact, part of the reason I am going back to grad school is so that I can create a program to implement into middle and high schools [long-term goal for me], teaching kids how to make the right choices so that when they are sent out on their own they can hopefully continue/create a healthy routine in order to have a healthy lifestyle. One of the biggest problems is that obesity is a vicious cycle. The parents are in charge of the kids' food, so if they are eating poorly then the children will grow up with those bad habits and not knowing how to stop it continue to teach it to each generation. I really wish I could stress to every single person eating poorly, even the skinny ones [because their is a difference between being fit/healthy and skinny/fat] how important it is to feed your body good foods and to use it and exercise and burn calories. You don't have to run marathons you just have to MOVE! Knowledge is power!

At one point in my life I weighed close to 180 lbs and now I weigh 146 [but that story is for another day]. What I am trying to say is I have never been as overweight as all of these contestants  but I have been overweight and had to fight my way back to get to where I want to be; I am still fighting. The most important thing that I have learned is that you have to commit to a different lifestyle not just a quick fix.

Okay so I am done with my little rant for now =) Refocusing.....

Today is day 8 of the Tone It Up! Love Your Body challenge and yesterday they challenged us to complete a cardio work-out. When I saw the workout, I was legitimately terrified of doing it which is ridiculous because there was no one there watching me, I could push myself at whatever pace I felt was challenging, and it was just a workout. When I finally convinced myself that I needed to do it I only got halfway through before I had to go attend to my nanny duties. Now the old me would have said, you did 30 minutes it was pretty intense, you don't have to do the rest, but I wanted to! After I got over the fear of doing it and actually started, I wanted to complete it so badly! I didn't care about my mileage or speed, I just wanted to be able to say I finished it. No cheats. No excuses. And I did. It took an hour and I logged 5.5 miles doing it but I felt so accomplished and confident and proud to be able to say that I completed it!

I have talked about this before, but every week I have to plan out my meals to keep me accountable and simply to just make it easier when it comes to getting my food together. Now my plan is really more like a guideline but here is what I have put together for this week, for those who are curious.

M1: coffee & Larabar
M2: BC Buzz [smoothie]
W/O: Crush Cardio
M3: Chicken wrap
M4: broccoli & hummus
M5: pizza [cheat meal]
PM W/O: Long&Lean

M1: coffee, banana & Luna protein bar
Bombshell spell
M2: Green Tea Kombucha with veggies & hummus
M3: Gardein Chick on romain lettuce, cheese, and boiled egg
Hot Raspberry Tea
M4: BC Buzz
PM W/O: Love Your Body & Surfer Girl
M5: Spicy Chili

Wednesday [Humps Day]
M1: BC Buzz
W/O: Secret Admirer
M2: Bombshell Spell, Grapefruit, & 1 slice Whole Wheat PB toast
M3: Boca Burger Spicy Chicken w/ lettuce, tomato avocado [no bun]
W/O: Malibooty
M4: hummus & veggies
M5: Mahi Mahi, Aspargus, lentils

Thursday [arms]
M1: oatmeal cookie smoothie
M2: apple w/ PB
M3: quinoa & chicken wrap
Hot Raspberry Tea
PM W/O: Bikini Strap & Summer Arms
M4: Larabar & Green Tea Kombucha
M5: Chicken, veggies, quinoa

Friday [abs]
M1: Luna Protein bar
W/O: Cupids Cardio
M2: Bombshell Spell, Banana Protein Pancake
M3: PBJ wrap
PM W/O: Sunkissed Abs, Bikini Abs
M4: Smoothie
M5: Chicken & Hearty Medley

Being healthy is about what you put in your body and how you use your body! Plan for success! Thanks for reading! Hope I inspired you even just a little bit!

Love your food, love your body, love your life!

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