Monday, July 15, 2013

Everyday Essentials

I have been on this healthy living journey for just about a year now however it wasn't until recently that I have perfected my weekly shopping trip. I tend to make the same things week in and week out. I have meals that I rotate in occasionally but I have found my favorites and they are usually the ones that are quite easy to make. Now even though you may not make the same meals as I do, I have found that the items I purchase are very versatile but all essential to have in my kitchen. I used to go shopping every two weeks or so, basically because I do not enjoy doing it what-so-ever, but I realized that food goes to waste and/or I run out of my fresh fruits and veggies and my week two of food is  not quite as good as week one. So now I shop about once a week, and I would like to share with you my key ingredients and tips that I have learned make everything just a little bit easier.

1. Plan out your meals for the week and make a grocery list for ONLY those items before you go to the store. This way you know if you need (4 peppers or 6 avocados); be specific so you don't have to run to the store again or get too much and let food go bad.

2. When you're at the store, all the items on your list should be found on the outside aisles. There are the occasional buys like Peanut Butter or Coffee or Quinoa that are the inner isles but if it isn't fresh or frozen you probably shouldn't be buying it.

3. Create a routine. Now this will obviously take a couple trips to figure out but if you grow accustom to going on the same "path" and buying the same food then you won't have to worry about straying down other isles buying cookies and chips.

4. NEVER EVER EVER EVER go shopping when you are hungry. Plan your shopping trip. Take your list. and if you have to eat a snack before you go. Impulsive buying is almost never a good thing.

5. If you are feeling extra motivated and focused [and this happens rarely for me] check to see the deals of the week at your local store. I shop at Kroger and have their app for my phone so occasionally I will remember to look for any good coupons HOWEVER, and this goes with the "don't go hungry rule," just because it is on sale does NOT mean you need to buy it :)

Here are items that once you buy them, they will last you for quite sometime! If you have the option of buying them from Costco or Sam's Club, they will be in larger quantity for a great price!
- Stevia/truvia
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Honey
- Quinoa
- Almonds/Walnuts/Cashews
- Naked Smoothies
- Bolthouse juices

And of course your seasonings like:
- sea salt
- cayenne pepper
- garlic seasoning
- onion seasoning
- Mrs. Dash

List of Items I Buy Weekly:
- bananas
- peppers
- avocados [especially when they are in season]
- tomatoes
- cucumber
- peaches [only in season]
- spinach/kale/mixed greens
- frozen veggies
- egg white
- eggs
- Greek yogurt [vanilla and plain]
- frozen fruit [good for smoothies or a snack]
- canned pineapple [so much easier than fresh & cheaper]
- mushrooms
- almond milk [Vanilla is featured but I now buy regular]
- sparkling water [great with frozen fruit & a TSP of stevia]
- peanut butter
- strawberries [usually only when they are in season though]
- grapefruit
- lemons [for water & seasoning & dressing on salads]
- asparagus
- frozen chicken
- ground turkey
- coconut water [Chocolate Zico is my absolute favorite but it is pricey so I settle for this brand & flavor]
- Cliff bars/Luna bars/Larabars/Quest bars

Trader Joe's is great for quality food at a good price. They only sell what is in season! If you noticed I noted which items I don't buy out of season. For one they are incredibly expensive out of season, two they don't taste as good, and three if they aren't in season then in order for them to be made they have to basically be grown in a laboratory.

Now that you have ALL this information, take it and apply it to your own life. Some things will work great for you and others won't. It is all about creating this a lifestyle that is healthy but not impossible. Please let me know if you have any questions about the foods I listed or the tips I suggested or anything at all.

Talk to you soon!

Love your food! Love your body! Love your life!

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