Thursday, January 3, 2013

Love Your Body

     First off, if you haven't heard me talk about TIU yet, you must not be paying attention ;) but if you have and are wondering what the heck, then here is a quick little infomercial! Tone It Up! was created by Karena & Katrina who are certified and stunning! Their program is a 2-part program that combines eating lean, clean, & green with cardio & toning moves. TIU is not a quick fix diet scheme, it is a lifestyle change. Check out their website to learn more about their nutrition plan, fitness routines, the community, and more.
     Today is Day 3 of the Tone It Up Love Your Body challenge! I have been anxiously awaiting this challenge for weeks now. Love Your Body is a 6-week challenge from 01/01 to 02/14. I am also starting the new year off with the 5-day Slim Down [all part of TIU]. Today is the first day that I feel fully committed and re-energized. Tuesday I got my workout in & part of my 5DSD but then I got sick so my eating was off and then yesterday my stomach was still being weird; I stayed on track with my meals but not exercise. Today however I set my alarm and got up early before work to do my cardio. I usually like to do my toning and cardio together but ran out of time [I am super slow moving in the AM]. I feel good though knowing that part of my workout is already done!
     Here is a little break-down of my morning so far and how the rest of the day will unfold. Got out of bed at 7:30, brushed my teeth & made a slice of PB toast. I only ate half so I would have a little something on my stomach and then headed to the gym at my apt complex. I knocked out 16 minutes on the treadmill & then 16 minutes on the elliptical as part of the Secret Admirer cardio. Went back to my apt hopped in the shower [one day I will have enough time to shave my legs -___- #wintergirlproblems] got dressed ate the rest of my toast & made a protein shake with Perfect Fit protein, water, & chocolate almond milk. Drove to work =) I have to plan out my meals for the week in order to help me stay on track plus it makes it easier so I don't have to think about what I have to make. I always vary from what I wrote down but I like having a guideline everyday. So the plan for today is...
M1: toast w/ PB & protein shake
M2: Larabar & orange
Tankini: fresh lemon/lime water
M3: Chicken wrap w/ wasabi & romaine lettuce
Tankini: fresh lemon/lime water
M4: Green Smoothie
M5: Quinoa, mushroom, & turkey stuffed peppers
Sleepytime Green Tea before bed

I just filmed my first check-in video and it is up on YouTube. Check it out HERE! Trying to stay accountable in every way possible! If you would like to follow me:

Instagram: ashleynicole08
Twitter: ashley34_TIU [for TIU purposes only]
TIU Community: Ashley Lamb

Thanks for reading! Talk to you soon!

Love your food, love your body, love your life!

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