Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcoming the New Year

     Every year on December 31st, we all gather together with friends or family to celebrate the coming of a new year. There are drinks and snacks and games and hats. We all make our annual resolutions to be a better person, a healthier person, a more accomplished person. Every year we get the chance to start new. The irony, for lack of a better word, is that it really is just another day. Yes we now have to write 2013 instead of 2012 and we have to wait a whole year for Christmas to come again, but really it is no different than the 3rd turning into the 4th or August turning into September. And even though it is just another day, it is a new start for so many of us. The idea that we get a clean slate, a brand new year, to make the best of, is very liberating; it is as if what we did last year no longer matters. However last year brought us to the place we are now, whether good or bad, it led us to this moment where we make our resolutions based on what 2012 gave us, it is now our benchmark for improvement or achievement.
     This upcoming year will probably be the hardest, most terrifying, most exciting, most everything year for me. This spring I will find out whether or not I am accepted into the University of Georgia or the University of North Carolina so I can pursue my masters degree in Public Health. If I get into at least one school that means I am moving there over the summer. Moving by myself to a brand new place after I have spent the last 5 years in Kennesaw with school, friends, jobs, and my boyfriend. Sam and I will have lived together for close to 2 years and we were only 30 minutes away before that. I could be moving anywhere from an hour and a half to 6 hours away from him. And on top of that, he does not know where he will be next fall either so it could be even farther. I am excited to take the next steps in my career, but it is incredibly terrifying knowing that I will not have my best friend to come home to every night. Long distance relationships suck, for me at least, but I know that God would not challenge me with anything I could not handle.
     With that being said, one of my New Year's Resolutions, really an every day resolution but for the purpose of this story, I want to continue to grow my relationship with Jesus Christ my Savior. It is really hard for me to rely on anyone because I am so independent so this is especially hard for me to completely let go and not be in control. I know that if I don't work extra hard on that this year however, it will be an incredible struggle for me to survive it.
     Another goal of mine is to be healthy and tone up my body. With the help of Tone It Up and their community, I have already made progress eating better and losing some extra fat on my body, but I don't want to just be skinny I want to look good naked!! Today I am starting their Love Your Body series and since it is a new year, I took pictures and measurements to track my progress. After the series is over, I will post my before and after pictures and measurements to hold myself accountable and so I can see how much I have improved.
     My final goal, for now, is to blog at least once a week. I want to post my Love Your Body progress along with meals I have been making and projects I have been working on. I am really bad at remembering to write everything down, but I want to make sure I am held accountable. I also want to be able to look back, remember, and enjoy this year. Pictures and words will always last!
     I have learned so much in this past year. There have been MANY ups and downs but just like any year it only lasts for 365 days and then we get a new one to completely mess up all over again. I know there is a lot of babble in this post but I just felt like talking. Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy new year!

Love your food, love your body, love your life!


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