Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reward System

Everyone knows what the reward system is. We go through elementary school getting stickers and stars and in one particular case, Dalmatian spots [Mrs. Twigg's class anyone ;)] for doing well. As we grow up, we don't always get that constant recognition and reward for doing well, it is simply just expected of us. Now I know anyone who has ever tried to lose weight and get fit has seen the quote, "Don't reward yourself with food, you're a not a dog." Well besides the fact that it is true, we are not dogs, most of us anyway ;), it also points out a valid fact that many of us treat ourselves with treats. Which doesn't make any sense really because we usually busted our butt to achieve whatever goal we had set out to achieve and then we go and ruin it with food that will only make us sleepy and fat. But the fact of the matter is, we like to be rewarded! Plain and simple, anyone who says they don't like to be recognized for their achievements is pretty much a liar pants. One thing that I have realized through this lifestyle change is that there are so many OTHER ways you can reward yourself.

Perfect Fit by Tone It Up has a new app where you can upload photos of yourself to track the progress you have made over your fitness journey. Part of the app is being able to check off whether you worked out and ate well that day. This is not an online thing, no one can see the results unless you post it, but I get pretty darn excited when I get to see that little apple (for meals) and runner (for exercise) pop up on the date. And I don't cheat myself. If I have 1 cookie, then I don't get the apple, and knowing that I am not going to reward myself unless I do well prevents me from having those slip-ups. For example, yesterday was Humps Day 2-a-days. I did two toning routines 3 times through each and then I did a cardio circuit with 10 minutes of toning at the end. I ate all my meals with no cheats and then after dinner [my weakest moments] I really wanted to put some break-n-bake cookies in the oven. I even thought to myself, I worked my butt off today, I burned close to 750 calories, I can totally have a few cookies, but then I stopped and realized what a waste that would be. I am working out to look better, to become more toned, and feel comfortable when bathing suit season rolls around! This is not a maintenance plan PLUS if I eat those cookies I don't get my apple sticker! and I EARNED those stickers today. So I made myself a cup of Sleepytime tea later to hold me over for the night and I was just as proud of resisting that temptation as I was of the work I had put in earlier that day.

In past years, I have tried to get in shape and eat "healthy" in order to look good on Spring Break but now that I have graduated college I don't know if I will be going anywhere when that week in March rolls around. Which stinks because I really want to show off the hard work I have been putting in and it would be the perfect reward to transition into my maintenance phase. But since a trip is not likely, I have instead decided to reward myself with a Maaji bathing suit. They are sexy and fun and honestly run in smaller sizes which is kind of a perfect temptation for me. I know that I can't quit or slack off because if I do I won't be able to order the bathing suit I want because I won't be able to fit into it lol.

The Love Your Body challenge is all about loving your body [shocking I know] but because we all have different body types, it is ridiculous to try and compare ourselves to others, which so many people do. Instead I am going to set my goals according to what my body can achieve. And if I don't quite get to that toned size I want, I will just find another perfect bathing suit to reward myself because lets face it, girls love pretty things, they love to wear those pretty things, and they love to look pretty wearing those pretty things. Boosting my confidence is a goal that I can achieve and that will be rewarded with something besides food that will just diminish my glow of confidence. 

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